You see the logo there for The Radiator 105.9 WOMM-LP. The website is TheRadiator.org and the station streams live there. Mike Wells is the point man for The Pich's return to radio and last Saturday (9th) we had our 1st show. It was my first time on the radio since the night before I pulled out of town for Milwaukee. Many great memories filled me as I entered the studio. I reunited with Navy Duck who is now out of the service and is simply citizen duck.
Mike Wells was a part of the later episodes of "the radio show." This marks the third show Mike has had on the channel and he knows his way around the board. Of course he welcomed myself, Kyle Goyet, Ed Companion, and Justin St. Louis to join him. Some pairing of that five-some will make up the show. The first one featured just Mike, Kyle and a tardy Pich'.
I don't want to get too far of topic but I realized that a lot of the stuff I had in Vermont before I left, I didn't have now. Being back on the radio is an important part of having something fun to do other than work. It also gets me back in the media to an extent and with the time of the show falling before my Saturday shift it works out pretty good for me. That said I'll miss this next two shows due to afternoon hockey events, but will most likely join via the phone. And speaking of phone...
*Let that sweet segway goodness wash over you (how is segway not in the dictionary? Get that red squiggly line out of here!)
On Monday (11th) I finally got a smartphone. Now I too can go online, Tweet, Facebook, and basically... live. I have all the info right in my pocket. I'm really pleased with it so far and it's so nice to finally have this kind of access. Chalk it up to something I should have had a long time ago, but couldn't afford it. I'm finally getting the stuff I should have already had and it feels good to be making headway on bills, saving, and in general I'm not paycheck to paycheck like I usually am.
Work has certainly got better since the opening of hockey season. I'm not getting as much overtime as i did before due to actually being on my regular shift during most games, and or clean-up crew is huge and works hard. However I'm glad that at the end of game weekends I have my days off and during the week I get a few hours of OT due to the University's love affair with broomball who often has the ice until at least midnight. Basically it's good times at work and now with the radio show, and my smartphone times are getting better outside of work.
I still have the fingers crossed that in November I'll be able to move back to the Piche Campus on Weaver St. This could open up more happiness and a reconnection with all of my stuff. I have been struggling lately without a lot of my winter gear which I had packed away good and tight back in April.
I hope everyone enjoys the pictures which I'll try to throw in more in the future blogs. I've also recently gotten an updated version of iLife and am enjoying the help it's giving me on the movie. In that same field I've got a couple video announcements coming soon. Including two separate things coming in December!
Ok well I'm out for now. The webpage for The Saturday Hangover will be coming soon. And also don't forget to follow me on Twitter at @ThePich84 and my work friend @UVM_Zamboni for all the inside UVM Hockey stuff! Now that I can Tweet from literally anywhere you never know when my comedy will twickle your funny bone. #TwickleIsPushingIt #BeAPichTweep