I titled this blog before I started writing, and since it's been over a month since I last checked in you know I have a lot to say. Let's start with the updates.
The biggest news is that I'm once again living at 281 Weaver St. Not over the garages however. I'm in the house in the bottom portion (my step-brother lives in the upstairs apartment). Before I go any further I have to thank my Aunt and Grandmother for allowing me to inhabit here while they spend the winter months south of Mason-Dixon Line. This was the prefect fit for me and has been a nice pick-me-up in the otherwise drab and dreary Fall season.
Next I have to thank Holly for her generosity in taking me in for a few months. It was just the thing I needed at the time and it was good to have a space of my own again in Vermont. I'll never forget my time there and I'll miss Holly and of course my other roomie, Solomon "Big Time" Bombard. Since they are both right down the road I'm sure I'll see them often in the future.
I've got a lot of my stuff here. Not unpacked but at least here so I can get to it all. It's nice to see somethings I haven't seen since April. I have a lot of my wardrobe back and tomorrow I'll get my own cable and internet hook-up here. It's odd to be living here in a way because of the history my family has with this part of this property in particular. My Dad grew up here, and therefore all of my life I've been coming to this place. November was always the hotspot for this place. For years this was where our family gathered for Thanksgiving. The last time they got together here was the first year I was in Milwaukee. I regret missing that last one. It will be weird to live here for Thanksgiving and yet travel across town to my Dad's for the festivities.
That all said this isn't a permanent residence for me, but it was something I was hoping could happen for this winter. This gives me a great chance to save money and continue my search for a roommate. There are some options I may or may not have that I won't discuss. That said I'm so proud of myself for simply not finding somewhere else sooner and staying patient as this summer and early fall went by. I'm in a better place now because of it.
As mentioned above my internet connection has been brought to you by The Weav' lately and the signal isn't the best. It's made it hard to watch Hulu or update my website, but I'm getting caught up slowly. Speaking of caught up not only did I add a smartphone to my belongs last month but now I finally have a PS3. I missed playing video games a lot and it's great to finally have my own system.
I've noticed over the years that I have less pictures in the November albums than any others. Probably a combination of not much happening balanced against my lack for wanting to take pictures. The seasonal depression is going better this year thanks to some vitamins and things to be positive about.
It's trip announcement time... 1st up will be in December the weekend of the 18th and 19th when I'll visit Danielle in New York City! It's always a blast and her and her boyfriend, Phillip, will be riding back to Vermont with me for the holidays.
2nd is a ways out but the weekend of the 4th and 5th of March, the madness strikes again! It's the America East Tourney in Hartford. Last year was a huge trip for me (I was coming from across the country after all) and this year should be off the hook again. There was hoop, casino, exploration, shopping, and me winning a giant check. Be a part of the clan this year and get in on the fun! And last but certainly not the least... times to be determined but centering around April 4th I will return to Milwaukee! It's opening day time for the Brew Crew and I've been to the last 2 so why stop now? By then I should have quite a bit of vacation saved up and I may stay for about a week. It's early yet, but I'm excited to go back to Milwaukee for many reasons. Also I'll be collecting interview footage for the movie I'm working on.
I'm looking forward to this year's holiday season cause I haven't been in Vermont for Christmas in over three years! (Portland, Roanoke, Milwaukee) It's been a hectic year and the holidays and new year always sort of seem to settle me down and get me ready for the 2 months of crap before the madness makes life better in March. I feel like everyday I wake up I'm making the most of my time being back here in Vermont. I'm not over doing anything or distracting myself simply because it's boring here. Basically for the first time in a long time I'm proud of how I'm conducting myself. I have the right amounts of fun without risk or unnecessary spending. I'm not spreading myself thin or working too hard. I'm paying bills, and getting caught up to the point where I can actually... get this, SAVE money. I have car insurance for a period longer than to simply get inspected for the 1st time in years, and all-in-all it's going well. Not something I usually say or think in the fall/winter.
I think that since I moved to Milwaukee I've changed. I left as a 29-year-old "man-child" and came back a 31-year old man. I'll still always be a kid at heart and play 5 years younger than my license says I am, but I'm more savvy now. Mistakes I used to make... I don't get into now. I see 5 steps ahead a lot and even though sometimes I don't feel like I'm living life by not taking chances, after the couple years I've just had... that's just fine with me, for now.
Work has been going pretty smooth... somedays almost too smooth. I feel like everyone else has that vibe too which sometimes has all of us over-analyzing the tiniest things. The season is not going so well for the hockey teams... yet, but the season is still young. I'm still looking for my first win of not only the year but since December 2007 while driving for the Catamounts. Hopefully that ends soon! I'm really enjoying the lesser cleaning role we have there, although most of my duties still center around that. It's freed up our staff to do a lot of tasks I always felt I had to do myself if they were ever going to get done. It's been fun being back there and with the overtime and the pay raise it's been profitable too (says the guy who hasn't been paying regular prices for rent and bills).
What have I been up to? Well I've been playing video games a lot recently. I've been playing Madden and even reuniting with NHL '10 at home and even getting in to Call of Duty: Black Ops up at Eddy's place. Not normally my type of game, but it's fun. I however might be one of the worst players ever. I'm flat out comical to watch as Jay so eloquently pointed out while watching me play recently. I have trouble with the controls and my brain just doesn't work fast enough to compete with these folks online. I have been combat training though and hopefully soon I can be more than just comic relief in the battlefield. On the computer I put away my farm on Farmville after a run since Feb. of this year. I got a little tired of it and ESPNU Collegetown filled the void with the same style, yet sports as it's centerpiece... more my bag.
I've also been sleeping a lot, keeping up with all of my shows online and recently trying to get over a cold. In the near future I'll be spending time with family and friends around the Thanksgiving holiday and then getting ready for the UVM Athletics Fac/Staff Flag Football game. This is apparently the 3rd such event but it's the 1st since I've been here and if you know me you know football was always my best game, and combining that with the Fac/Staff atmosphere and my legend in such games... this is sure to be a fun time. Rumor has it ESPN Classic is going to be there to film the action to fill time on their network.
I haven't done too much on my movie lately but I'm still collecting bits and pieces everyday. I'm waiting for my next upgrade of software to come before I go too much further. The project will also take a backseat to another project coming up that will be announced soon and be ready for early January! Stay tuned to JasonPiche.com for details.
People have asked me about Sharp-Shinned Hawk Studios and why I've named my production company as such. It all stems from UVM when the turf field was put in and we got a Bird-X sound effect machine to keep pesky critters and unwanted birds off the field. One of the predator bird noises in the machine is the Sharp-Shinned Hawk (a real bird) and it's always been a point of joking around our staff. I had a great picture of one and decided that should be the name.

Other quick hits before I check out:
- So happy that Miley Cyrus turns 18... oh look at that... TODAY! I've had a crush on her for awhile and now people can't say it's creepy... well they can but I won't care. Also happy birthday to Kyle Goyet who shares the day with Ms. Cyrus.
- Since I mentioned a gal I have a crush on let me just state that Taylor Swift is just so beautiful. Certain folks may think otherwise, and that's fine. (They're entitled to their wrong opinion) I'm not talking about her live music, or reaction to Kanye... whatever to all of that. The gal is pretty and bangs out hit country music... Leave her be. It's so odd to me that others could see her as unattractive because when I look at her I see near perfection. I don't understand why but I guess it's true what they say... Haters Gonna Hate

Picture Credit: Brought to my attention by Ed Companion... ironically he's part of the folks who have said wrong opinions on Ms. Swift.
- I'm cooking up some other blogs ideas about my favorite shows, and why I like 'em... maybe coming soon. Also always working on JasonPiche.com in some way... even if I'm the only one who sees it. I love that I have so much of my life chronicled in one spot. It's like a diary, picture album, yearbook, memorial, and pure unadulterated fun wrapped up in to one thing. As always it's a pleasure to share it with everyone.
- What are the Utah Jazz and Philadelphia 76ers wearing this season? Throwbacks are one thing but those jerseys are just PLAIN in one case (76ers) and UGLY in another (Jazz). Have some self-respect and change these monstrosities. Needless to say these two won't ever make their way in to my jersey collection.
- I've gotten to the point where I simply can't watch the Celtics anymore. They make me so mad with their whining, cheating, and lack of good men on the team that I can't even watch to root against them like I always have in the past. If someone offered me free tickets court-side I really don't think I could go without getting kicked out. Basically I like to stay sane and calm, and they drive me crazy so I won't watch them play again until they revamp their roster to have less deuchbags. They are bad for the NBA on and off the court, but they have a lot of basketball talent which sucks for everyone cause you have to respect it and constantly show their games on TV.
- And you thought I'd go a whole blog without hating on Boston... did you not see the mullet-clad gentleman and the message with him?
- Buy generic food it's cheaper and tastes the same most of the time.
- Love NyQuill but don't abuse it.
- May your rounds always be fudgey, and your wallets stuffed with ham.
So as it's Thanksgiving aside from the other thanks I've already given I'd like to thank everyone who has been a part of my life over the years. I've always said that everyone you meet and the expierences you have are what build you in to who you are. With everyone's help from words or encouragement, to helping me move... from a card, to a Facebook comment... from a money supply injection to a place to rest my head for the night. THANK YOU ALL!