Saturday, May 22, 2010

The other half... week 2 back in Vermont

This week was definitely a more accurate portrayal of life in Vermont for me. Some was awesome, some sucked, and some was simply a by-product of restarting here. All was interesting and weird.

The biggest thing was restarting work at UVM. It was the key piece that brought me back to Vermont after all. It was so good to be back working with guys I've grown really close to and back doing stuff for a University and area that means so much to me. Although I'm still officially part-time, I did get my keys this week and was assured the full-time gig was mine and would be just a matter of time. We had an ice maintenance course, took the ice out, did some outdoor work mowing and weed-whacking. I went to Ace hardware to buy stuff, I drove the truck, the Gator, and the Zamboni. I made jokes, and even a commercial (find it under "Remover Magic Commercial" on YouTube). I got so many welcome backs and happy smiles. It really was a great week and no matter whatever happened, is happening, or will happen UVM Athletics and the people there really make it a special place to work. I'd work there forever if I could, and maybe this time I will. Going away and coming back has given me a new perspective on what did bug me about there. Every job has it's good points and it's bad. I've realized more than ever that at UVM the good FAR outweigh the bad. I'll come back and read this blog at some point when I forget, but I'm hoping just remembering this will be enough.

As far as Vermont life went I'll admit I'm struggling with the living situation. It's no knock on my Dad or Step-Mom, who have been kind enough to take me in and feed me the occasional meal, but I've been use to life a certain way at home. Being 31 and living with parents is never really where you want to be. I try to stay out of their way and still do what I need to do, but it's hard for someone who has the heart of a "homebody" when I don't really have a home of my own. I knew this would be a factor when I came back and hopefully this issue will fade away as I begin to search for places to live and consider all options. Once I can set my stuff up and be out of boxes that will help me a great deal.

This was the first week I've been back in Vermont in almost two years where I didn't have tons of things planned, or I wasn't trying to see a ton of people, or cram a bunch of stuff in to my "visit-time." People went back to their regular lives. The glitz and glamour of my return is over. No need to rush to see me because this time I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I knew this time would come, but again I think it would be easier if I had my own place to hang at. One day this week I was so confused that after work I drove to Weaver Street before I realized that wasn't home anymore. I drove around one night getting reacquainted with areas I hadn't been to in a long while. I'm unsettled, but it will come with time.

The fellas and I have been getting active. In addition to the psychical labor at work I've been out playing basketball and even softball. It's been good to get back to being in motion a little more than virtual farming or winning PS3 Stanley Cups. Vermont is really pretty choice in the summer and the warmer weather has finally arrived.

The biggest hole in my life right now is a regular internet connection. I don't have it in my room at my Dad's and I've used their hard line a few times, but mostly rely on work, or friends places to check in on the internet. I miss having my own setup where I could work on the website at my leisure. As is about to celebrate it's 5-year anniversary I'm not happy with my lack of updating with the site since my return, but again this will change as I settle in and have my own joint.

The absolute worst thing about being back in Vermont is all of the Boston love. Boston teams, Boston fans, the city, the accent, and Boston news. I underestimated how awesome it was to be so far away from all of that. I was a lot calmer over in Milwaukee despite having turmoil at several turns I had less hate in my life. Since all hate emanates from Boston, America's worst city, being far away from it would probably behoove my long-term living goals. I may have shortened my life by coming back. As Dan said via text "New England is full of Boston loving gaywads. You need to put them in their place." I replied that maybe it's my life's work, but I often feel I'm fighting a losing battle. These people are followers and they are too dumb to know any better. Sadly some of these people are my best friends and that's why it hurts so much. Picture your sister dating a guy who stabbed you, or your Mom shacking up with your high school bully. It hurts to see that "B" on anyones head let alone my own friends. They obviously don't want to be individuals and would rather join the local "dumb-masses." It's sad really. It's was easier before because the jump of everyone on the bandwagon was gradual. Now coming back after being away it's made it a lot to take in a little time. Didn't help that my Orlando Magic decided to not play hard at all and show no heart against the Celtics in the Eastern Conference Finals. Now an area that never pays attention to the NBA, unless the Celtics are good, are all leading bandwagon back with every "W."

I think the thing I touched on back when I was still in Milwaukee that I wanted no one to forget, and the thing I wanted people to understand most is still the big factor here. For all of you life here went on. Now I'm back and people assume I should just fit back in the way I did before, but the simple fact is... I don't. I didn't fit in that well here before, and now after having lived in the kind of area I always wanted I learned a lot about what I want from life moving forward. I have different dreams and goals now than I had before. My lifestyle, lingo, and the way I see things are very different now. I hope that over time people see not just "The Pich'" as they saw before, but also "Jason" who emerged in Milwaukee.

Another week down in my return and I'm sure the adventure has still just begun!

1 comment:

  1. Nice thoughts. I'm interested in getting better acquainted with this Jason fellow you speak of. I think I caught a glimpse of him the other day and I think I like him. Just to clarify since you are back in Vermont, that is not a gay statement, just a friendly one.
