I can't get over how far I've come. A different me at a different time would have blogged from Milwaukee, but this guy did what I had to do and waited. Most of what I've worked on in therapy is my move back from Milwaukee. Dealing with being so close to having what I'd always wanted and yet having to walk away. I needed to go to Milwaukee to enjoy it for what it was. And enjoy I did. It was all I remembered it to be.
I loved every moment of the visit. Even seeing people I thought I might never see again in places I thought I'd never see again. It was what I needed. There was AHL action. There was NBA, NHL, and MLB on consecutive days. There was drinking and good times on week nights. There was cheese soup, Sonic, and a even a trip to Woodman's. There were so many little things that made me smile. From the eating habits of Dan and Neil to the horrible lawyer commercials.
I waited to write about it all because I wanted to see my therapist first and let some time pass. I needed to process. A different me at a different time would have itemized the trip spelling out everyday. But now I simply have it all in my head. I took less pictures then I've ever taken on a trip. Instead I took video for my Milwaukee movie. I knew that I'd want to live in these moments rather than get a snapshot of it. I'm happier that I have the stories and memories from a trip that was truly a trip back in time... I couldn't help but feel weird that the time I was there marked a year from the time I decided to leave there.
That reminds me that as May 6th nears I'll have been back for a year. It seems longer.
Before that happens I'll turn 32! I often wonder where the time went now. At least I know where it's going in the future, or at least where it's not going to be.
Over the last few months I had gotten back in to dating. Myself and the ladies had gone M.I.A. since the person who eventually led me to Milwaukee back in early 2008. While I won't get specific about the young ladies I dated I will say that I learned a lot from these experiences. Probably more 'what not to do' stuff than positive stuff, but all-in-all I'm sorry for the way things have turned out and I hope to take the good stuff and use it in the future while leaving the bad stuff behind. Usually I stay friends with exes and girls I've dated, but I regrettably can't say that I'm on speaking terms with my last three now. Hopefully that changes in time.
It's actually been liberating to talk to someone else about issues and not feel like I needed to rely on this blog or the Internet to share everything going on in my head. I leaned on this crutch so hard when I was 1st in Milwaukee that it led to me getting fired... I mean something had to change at some point... I can hear my Mom clapping from here.
However my time with therapy is coming to an end with the end of the UVM Spring semester around the corner. Soon there will be different work hours, softball galore, and some moving situation at some point in late July-early August. For now I keep plugging away. Showing up for work and getting it done. Sitting my ass home more than even this homebody would like, playing video games and saving money. Prepping for my return trip to the Maryland-Delaware area for the NASCAR race at Dover and some Nationals games in DC.
I have become too overwhelmed by my visions for The Pich' Awards. I set the bar too high, and am working on scaling it down. Maybe if I had a team of editors, videographers, and actors... but then I guess that would be a movie and start losing the point of The Pich' Awards. Hopefully you smell what I'm cooking soon...
Quick Hits
- Did You Know? Quick Hits is the highest rated part of The Pich' Blog?
- Yes, I do have a bumper sticker that reads 'Everything boston Sucks'... sadly the font capitalized every letter because I don't usually reserve a capital 'b' for boston.
- Have you watched 'Raising Hope' or 'Traffic Light' on Fox yet? Not too shabby... always good for a laugh. (this Quick Hit was in no way sponsored by Fox, but for the right price I will whore out myself, my website, or my blog)
- Ed Companion and I are trying to resurrect some poker on Monday nights. The plan is to maybe plan one or two Mondays ahead of time to give people time to plan for it. So if you're interested let us know... we've already heard interest from some WPT legends and some aspiring Weav' virgins... we plan to play this Monday the 25th so maybe 8ish? I don't know stay tuned...
- Mini Tacos = Mega Heartburn
- If you don't follow me on Twitter do it. @ThePich84 I'm a good time and if you're not using Twitter, me and my tweeps should be reason enough to start... join the next century already... I mean what gaming system are you using? Atari?
- Now that I've used the best toilet ever... making waste just feels wasted (teaser for a video to come soon!)
- I love to shove obscene amounts of food in to my face. I eat for maximum taste in every bite and most times I choose to go big. Anyone who has ever seen me mow through some cake, a stack of waffles, or a bowl of cereal is probably already getting a chuckle remembering that time they almost made me spit it out. I shove in food when I'm not in a 'proper social setting' so be ready for it... either help me eat it, or just let me go... if you laugh we might have a mess on our hands... your welcome
- Burger King's new chicken nuggets are OK but not worth writing home about... wait I think I just did... shit
- Theres a path you take and a path not taken, the choice is up to you my friend.
- Yes, the last Quick Hit was a direct quote from the 'Who's The Boss" theme song.
- Both the Nationals and Brewers are out to good starts in MLB. The Canadiens and Magic are both in the playoffs but neither is expected to go far... hopefully they again outplay their expectations.
- Speaking of sports if the NFL doesn't play this season, and the NBA also does the lockout thing that's feared, that would open things up for the always popular NCAA basketball, but also make the NHL king! Hooray Hockey!
- I'd like to thank Neil Wolfe and Dan Young for hosting me on the recent trip to Milwaukee. Also a big thanks to everyone who made some time to see me while I was there and make in such a great trip. I forgot I knew so many people there, it was great to see you all!
- Food For Thought: I've always speculated that Uncle Ben is married to Aunt Jemima.
In closing I'd like to say that this me, in this time, wants everyone to know that I'm doing well, I'm comfortable with where I'm at for now, and I look forward to seeing where the future takes me. Everyday we cope with something, it's how we cope that makes us who we are.
Always nice to see a new post :)