Saturday, September 18, 2010

September Check-in

Lately I've been working on a video that is already near and dear to my heart. It's going to be the full story of how I came to move to Milwaukee, my time there, and the eventual move back. I intend to interview several of my friends, and family members to get "testimonial-style" footage for the piece. This is going to take a long time because I want to do it right. So far the opening sequence is completed and I simply love it. I'm making this movie for 3 main reasons. 1) I want to have a great documentation of my time in Wisconsin. 2) I want the people in my life to really see and know what went in to this. I feel they forget I was gone a lot but I want everyone to get to know the real stories and real feelings of the whole deal. 3) I never did a proper thank you/send off for my peeps in Wisconsin and this will be worth the wait. In fact I'll probably have to visit them to get testimonial footage and I'm already eyeballing dates for next spring at the latest.

The doctor's appointment I mentioned last time went pretty well. I got some information to help with the issues I have and I anticipate a much better fall/winter this year.

As I've started to get used to being back on the 2nd shift I've realized how much I hate it. I'm not enjoying life like I was for the entire summer. I don't even have time to get together with people I know, let alone meet anyone new, or legitimately date. I mean this sucks... the BEST thing about moving back to Vermont was my family and friends... and now I hardly see them. This shift doesn't work with what I want out of life here. Before, I was bored with life in Vermont so I found things to fill my time with... Tv Show, radio show, Monday night cards, ETC. I mean I was almost too busy sometimes, but I was having fun and doing some stuff I thought would add to a resume. Now with my night schedule I can't do some of that same stuff. I'm locked in really. I mean I love the job... it just kills my outside life. Obviously the fact I still don't have a set place to live where I can have all my stuff is also really getting to me. The worst part is I don't see that changing in this calendar year. I ask around but I have no live bites for a roomy. I'm ready to bail on my family's place, which was my future option, and it's still my best option. I just want all my stuff in one place and out of boxes.

Basically I've reserved myself to not loving life this fall/winter, but as usual I plan to make the most of it. I just need a better quality of life after I punch out of work. I have ideas on how to turn it around but we'll see...

I seem to be repelling women at an alarmingly fast rate now days. Used to be about a month to 3 months before gals lost interest... now I'm lucky if I actually get a couple of weeks out of 'em. I'm not sure why. I'm not saying it's me. I'm just saying. I feel like a pretty eligible bachelor for my age. I mean I'm 31, never been married, no kids but wants kids, good steady job, not disgusting to look at, in decent shape, can jump car hoods in a single bound... what's doing ladies? I hope none of you chime in with the "you're intimidating" or "you make the move" junk. I'm about as intimidating as a Snuggie, and I'm done being the mover... it hasn't got me anywhere since I've been back but confused, and alone. Yup... it's pity party time... bring your green hat.

So I'm just throwing this out there but hey... I have Sundays and Mondays off. Sure I use Mondays for errands, and then I go to the Weav' on the 8% chance that we'll play cards... at least we watch on two TVs one of the best nights for programming. So yeah if somethings going on let a guy know. You're having a gathering and need some tall white guy to come speak in broken eubonics? I'm your dude. Watching football (non-Patriots game) and want someone to come give you your own version of the old hit TV show Talking Trash in your living room? I'm in, I might even bring nachos. You building something or moving something heavy? I'll help but honestly it's not ideal... I mean these are supposed to be days off after all and if I remember right on the 7th day he said to rest...

We are coming up on "Hocktober." This signals the start of hockey season. Aside from the NHL and AHL, college hockey opens up the first weekend in October. I'm looking forward to working games again and being a pseudo part of the team. However it does kind of lock me in most weekends... at least the OT will be good. Hey folks, come out and see a game this year... seems like I don't see enough of my peeps at games... and why not? You do know a guy who can get you some tickets.

Quick hits before I go:

- Yes, I like Taylor Swift, and yes its for her music and her looks. I don't want to fight about it. I don't care what you think of her... same as I've never cared what people thought of my love for Mariah Carey, or my budding love for Miley Cyrus. I don't work for Blender or MTV... I have weird musical taste... get off me.

- I haven't seen anything in 3D in the modern era of 3D TV and movies... I need to get on that.

- There's something else I haven't done in the modern era it would be nice to do again too...

- Getting closer to a PS3 thanks to deposit back from Milwaukee, Ebay sales, and some games I have that a guy was looking for on Craigslist!! User name: Catamount84 Be ready!

- I've watched way too much Jersey Shore this season and had a hard time at the club last night trying to not use phrases like, "DTF" and "grenades."

Alright well the less time I spend blogging the more time I spend on the movie so I'm off for now. I'll work on getting a series of "trailers" out for the movie, but at this point I have no testimonial footage except some from me. Hang tight it will be good. Here's the only tease I'll give you... It's brought to you by my two production companies: Sharp-Shinned Hawk Pictures & Golden Boy Productions