Monday, January 27, 2014

State of The Pich' Address / From Fieldhouse to Forum Part 2

Hey y'all. Back again and I realized I need to hand out the coveted hardware. The Pich' Awards MVP male & female. Basically the folks that led me to this point need to get their just desserts right here before our story continues.

As announced on his birthday Derek Rabideau-Campbell (or Dr. Soup as I'm now realizing we should have called him) was a co-MVP. The DRC was a good friend this past year and even added his name to my ever growing list of roommates. Me thinks that Derek and I have even more in common than maybe we both realized. For awhile I really felt we were two dudes just going through the motions of life. Not really happy with where we were, but making the most of it, laying low, and trying to find a better way. We didn't have as many fun times as we should have, but when we did they were always memorable. For being there as a good friend, roommate, and softball coach Derek was a co-MVP male in 2013! Thanks D-Train!

That of course makes you wonder. Who was the other co-MVP male? Doug Dupont. Doug and I reconnected in the past year and he was the key factor in to my getting in better shape over the summer. We often hung out watching MMA new or old, getting by on the McDonald's Value menu, working out, and grabbing some beverages at any bar. When I returned from Seattle my hours were supposed to change and they didn't. That coupled with the fuel to find something better, and Doug's new job, kept us from hanging out as often. But there is no way that 2013 would have gone as ok as it did without Doug. I always have a good time hanging with him and enjoy our conversations so much that we've always felt they should be documented. Someday maybe we'll make that podcast. Thanks for everything Doug!

That brings me to the MVP female. Never have I had a tougher choice to make. After  meeting the nominees you'll understand.

Judi Jerome is the name of the therapist I saw for awhile, and she was the person that got me to figure out how to control my adhd and anxiety. I tried medications, and scheduling. She taught me methods to remember things, ways to stay focused, I learned so much from her and I couldn't be successful at my new job without the skills she taught me. Really everyday I make a list, update my dry-erase calendar, or stay calm in an anxiety-ridden moment... it's all thanks to her. Thank you so much Judi. I couldn't have done it, or be doing it, without you!

Laura Ewell and I met years ago at the America East Tournament. We were introduced by Justin St. Louis, and I had no idea then, that she would become such an important person in my life. During last year's Super Bowl as her then roommate scooted out in a Ravens t-shirt to go watch the game, I was informed he was moving out. (SideBar: His team won last year then I moved in to that room this year. My turn? Go Broncos! Also DRC might want to move his stuff in to that room and bet on the Pack in 2015!) I inquired about living there because quite frankly I wanted a place to call my own. Living at the family's house was great for a lot of reasons but I needed my own space. Laura gave me that space. She joined us with our crew for the second straight year at the AE Tournament, was a great friend, and a better landlord! 2013 would have been a big bowl of suck without you Laura! Thanks so much!

Danielle Dufresne was as impactful as a person can be who lived in NYC the whole year. She seemed to be in Vermont at some keys times and then of course I weaseled my way into being one of her escorts to Michelle and Ryan's wedding in Washington state. That trip which still bears the "Best Vacation Ever" mantra, was probably enough to put her on the top of the MVP-female heap, but being there for me whenever I needed to chat, or needed to lineup a date of my own for the Companion-Bailey wedding, made Danielle a stand-out in 2013. Words really can't be formed to explain how much thanks I have for having her in my life. Maybe I'll come up with some for our "wedding" if she's still single when she hits 30. #BackUpPlan But seriously I love you Danielle. Thanks for everything, and don't think I forgot how you helped me move all my shit to New Hampshire, but that goes in your 2014 campaign!

Last but not least how could I not mention Brittni Simmons. I have to admit I think I'm about to piss some people off, but I  really have to get this off my chest. First off I understand why everyone has the ideas and views they have when it comes to Brit and I, but here's the thing. I'm not saying everything you think is wrong, but a lot of it is. I have always hated that I feel like I have to "defend" my relationship with her to some people, no matter what the official or unofficial label is or was. I appreciate that people were concerned for me. Don't think I don't. However I'm a grown man. If Brit was really as poisonous as people think for me then why the hell did I get so much out of our time together in all capacities? How many times did she give me a place to crash, a free meal, an ear? How often were we such a great team being there for each other? Often we were the only other person that could calm the other down. Who recommended I see someone to figure out what was up with me (ADHD & Anxiety)? Who taught me to be more accepting of Boston sports, and look past people's fandom? Who taught me to enjoy hiking, healther foods, Vermonter-type stuff? Who taught me to enjoy parts of Massachusetts? I WOULD NEVER HAVE APPLIED FOR A JOB this close to Boston before I met Brittni. For every inch of heartache I felt, it was met with something positive. If anyone ever takes the time to get to know her you'll enjoy the same giving, loving, caring person that I know. In fact her main downfall is that she gives to much, often loves too hard, and cares too much. Remind you of anyone? This isn't Rihanna taking Chris Brown back... this is two people who formed a damn good team, and learned a ton from each other in the process.  When I left I didn't have the good-bye moment with Brit because I left a day early. I couldn't bear the thought of saying good-bye. Even though I'm still pretty close by. I had a tearful good-bye with Sadie and left a note. I haven't talked to her much since, but I still think about her everyday. From every long relationship I've had I've gained valuable knowledge, and lasting friendships. The last thing I'm saying on this topic is the following. Hopefully it sheds some light on how I feel.

On a Monday morning in November I woke up and saw a picture of Brit on Facebook. For some reason seeing this picture made me realize it wasn't to be, at least right now, and it motivated me to re-start my search for jobs elsewhere. Honestly living in Vermont was ok with her in the picture but that picture seemed faded now. I applied to a job at a rink in East Boston online. 15 minutes later FMC called me and the rest is history...  So when people asked if I was "moving alone." It bothered me because internally it seemed so obvious. I later realized the other two times I moved away an ex was involved so it made sense to ask. Just when you think this isn't so different... think again. I stepped out to this place on my own because the job was so great, the situation was so perfect, other than missing all the fine folks of Vermont and UVM everything for me here is better. And I wanted a better life, and I'm having it. So another motivating moment from Brit led me here. I'm ok with that, because she's had a good track record with me. I always knew that. Now everyone else does to.

Thank you for everything Brittni! I love you and Sadie and I know I'll be seeing you guys soon! I hope you aren't mad at me for sharing this. I know you're a very private person but I wanted people to know how much you've done for me and how much you mean to me and always will.

All of that said I have decided that this year's MVP Female is the first ever 4-way tie. Oddly enough the ladies either don't know each other, or in one case had a falling out of being best friends, but you know what did bond them all? Me. I was lucky enough to be influenced, loved, and surrounded by 4 great ladies this past year and it's only fitting they all get a quarter of the award that bears my mother's name. When I look back at this award in the future I'll never regret having a 4-way tie, and it will always remind me of my final year in Vermont and how in each their own way, they helped me get what I needed out of myself to succeed as I left.

So there they are. The Pich Award MVP's from 2013. I'll return to the story of Hudson, NH, the Chelmsford Forum, and life here now next time.

P.S. Go Broncos! 

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